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Beer of the Month


Drink of the Month


Wine Down Wednesday! 1/2 Off All Bottles of Wine 5:00 PM to Close!

Now Offering Wine Flights!

$1.00 Off Bloody Mary’s on Sundays

We now have 24 drafts on tap! Follow us on!untappd Logo

Build a Mule Workshop | $9

Select your spirit! Kettle One vodka, 1800 Silver tequila, or High West Whiskey Double Rye.

The Big Red | $12

Legends signature bloody mix, Tito's vodka, loaded with garnishes - served with a sidecar (beer of your choice).

The Charlene | $9

Cucumber vodka, St. Germain elderflower liqueur, lemon juice, mint, simple syrup, and club soda. Perfectly sweet and refreshing.

Strong Island | $12

Tito’s vodka, Bacardi rum, Bombay gin, Tequila (1800), Cointreau, and sour mix topped with cola and garnished with Lemon.

Perfect Margarita | $10

On the Rocks or Frozen? Perfect Original Margarita!
Add a Grand Marnier kicker for $2

Pink Whitney | $10

Pink Whitney vodka, Bacardi rum, lemonade, a splash of cranberry, and sprite, garnished with starburst candy and lemon.

Lavender Lemonade | $9

Whipped vodka, peach schnapps, lemon juice, lemonade, and a splash of lavender.

Mai Tai | $9

Bacardi Rum, Cointreau, and Pineapple juice topped with Myers Rum and grenadine.

Legends Martini | $10

Choose your style: Cosmopolitan, apple, or dirty.

Tequila Sunrise | $9

Jose Cuervo tequila, orange juice, topped with grenadine.

Miami Vice | $10

Two famous favorites, Pina Colada and Strawberry daquiri, Malibu and Bacardi Rum.

Old Fashioned | $9

Bulleit bourbon, muddled orange and bitters with a splash of simple syrup.

Blue Lagoon | $9

Grey Goose vodka, Blue Curacao and fresh lemonade, topped with a cherry.

Mojito | $9

Bacardi Rum, simple syrup, freshly muddled lime and mint leaves, topped with a splash of soda and garnished with lime.

Wine List

White   Glass | Bottle

Danzante Pinot Grigio (Italy)   7 | 21

La Vieille Ferme Rose (France)   7 | 21

Berringer Moscato (California)   7 | 21

Butter Chardonnay (California)   9 | 27

Red   Glass | Bottle

Line 39 Pinot Noir (California)   7 | 21

Finca Malbec (Argentina)   8 | 24

Berringer Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet (California)   9 | 27

Legends Bar & Grill is the Place For You