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Keep Up-To-Date With Our Upcoming Events

To keep the fun alive, Legends Bar & Grill hosts a wide variety of exciting events at our Fenton, MI location. Celebrate the unique moments in sports history at our down-to-earth bar and grill. To ensure our valued customers are always kept up-to-date with our hosted events, we keep a detailed listing of them on our Facebook page. With live music performances once a week, a newly-remodeled patio, and a brand-new bar, you’ll love coming to the events at Legends Bar & Grill.

Contact Us

Mothers Day

legends sports cafe patio

Live Music Performances Once a Week

To liven up your evenings and nights, we host live music performances once a week, featuring various artists and local talent. With our newly-remodeled patio now open, you’ll enjoy our live music entertainment even more than before. Bring your friends and family with you to enjoy live music accompanied by great food and great drinks. If you want your party or special event to have some live music incorporated into it, make sure you ask a staff member about scheduling it to land on one of our live music performance days. We’ll do all we can to ensure your party or event is everything you want it to be and more. Don’t forget to ask us about our catering options, too!

Music Bingo Every Wednesday Night
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

people celebrating at bar

Wednesday Night Trivia

Come out and join us every Wednesday at 7:30 for trivia. Test your knowledge against your friends and other teams!

Join Us For Some Fun Today!

When you visit Legends Bar & Grill for one of our many weekly events, you can rest assured you and your friends and family will have a blast. Check out our updated menu or our monthly features, such as drink specials and our half-off kids’ menu every Wednesday. We have something for everyone at Legends Bar & Grill, and our events are no exception! To learn more, or to inquire about our upcoming events, give us a call, and one of our staff members will be more than happy to assist you.

Legends Bar & Grill is the Place For You